The products of MEWANT are not the original parts, the products are modified pieces. They are custom made and could perfectly fit.
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Fit for original wheel with shift paddles
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30 ene 2025
Spencer de Korea, Republic of ha calificado un producto
I bought a good price for a discount.
The delivery came too soon than I thought, so I put it right on the holiday.
Well suited to the Model 3 Highland.
Slightly more awkward than the circle, but without a very sharp racing Drive
If you adapt a little, it will be okay to drive comfortably.
There were people who said that the Heat line works well, and the size of the 377 fits better.
I don't have to change the structure, and I prefer a smaller steering wheel, so I'm satisfied.
Because it is thicker than the basics, it may be difficult for those with small hands to hold tight.